Bowls is an old man's game, isn't it?

It is true that many people of advanced years play bowls. But that is because anyone can play, irrespective of age and gender. We have young and old at out club. Bowls is a true sport of equality. One seventeen year-old member was part of the county under-25s triples competition winners in 2017, while in 2018 we had junior members aged 11 and 13. Another member is 92 and still going strong! Perhaps read the article  Is lawn bowls getting a young, fresh makeover?  to change your view.

Hardly anyone plays Bowls?

Can anyone play?

Yes, in its basic form bowls is a very simple game to pick up. After all, what can be more difficult than rolling a ball over 30 meters to get it as close as you can to another ball? Well, essentially that is the game of bowls, but of course it is much more than that. Practice and experience teaches new skills as players advance to a game as strategic as chess, as challenging as a cryptic crossword, but played outside on grass. Actually, it is also played inside in the winter as short-mat bowls, so really is a year round game. 

But I heard  bowls was expensive?

It can be, but doesn't have to be.
When you first start to play the only equipment you need is a pair of flat-soled sport shoes, and the club has a few pairs of these if you don't have any flat ones of your own. The club has a number of sets of bowls that can be borrowed by new players for up to a year. As you start to play you may also need a few pieces of chalk and a bowls measure, although we have these to borrow at the clubhouse. 
As you progress you may wish to purchase more of your equipment, but do not rush into it. Bowlers at the club often put unwanted equipment up for sale. If you buy everything new at the outset, getting started can be costly in addition to you membership fee. Take it slowly, build up your kit as you need it, get second hand gear to start with where you can, and the cost is no more than taking up any other sport. And, your birthday and Christmas list will be sorted for a few years!

Aren't bowls clubs 'snobbish'?

Quite the opposite. Bowls players are welcoming, supportive, enthusiastic, and you will fit in immediately. A sense of mutual support, fun and enjoyment is always experienced alongside competition.

I don't want to play competitively?

Many members join just to take part in casual roll-ups alongside other members. The green is open almost every day after midday, and what better on a sunny afternoon that bowling a few down with friends.

. . . . . But I do want to play competitively?

We have a clear progression from novice to playing in the most competitive matches. Start with attending as many roll-ups as possible - informal ones or at our regular Tuesday evenings. You will soon be ready to play in our many friendly matches, and then league and cup matches. We have an extensive fixture list and there are plenty of opportunities to compete against other clubs. We also have many club competitions which all members are encouraged to join in.

OK, I'm convinced but how do I make contact to come and try to see if I really like it?

If you just want to experience bowls without any obligation just email enquiries@charlburybowls.co.uk and we can arrange for you to visit the club for a taster session. If you just want a look, then come along any Monday or Thursday evening about 6.30pm (October to end of March) or Tuesday evening about 6.30pm (May to end of August) and make yourself known to a committee member - if in doubt, go to the bar! You can come for six free roll-ups before you decide whether to join.
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